How To Play Characters Weapons Prizes
Your inner beast unleashed. Included in base game


Strike fear into the heart of your enemy with this mythical and maniacal creature. Terrorize teens with a relentless Hunt, Berserk speed, and a devastating Howl. Ferocious and feral, no full moon is needed to feel this ancient wrath.

[Q] Berserk

After focusing for 0.8 seconds, the Werewolf enters a Berserk state that increases their run, lunge and vault speed by 24% and their movement speed while recovering from a missed attack by 14% for 12 seconds.

During Berserk the distance at which the Tension Track can be heard by teens is increased by 5%.

Berserk has a cooldown of 24 seconds and cannot be used for 3 seconds after hitting a teen.


+ The Berserk duration is increased by 35%.11 seconds → 14.85 seconds

- The speed boost gained from Berserk is reduced by 30%.24% → 16.8%


+ If an active Berserk expires without the Werewolf hitting a teen or being struck by a weapon, the cooldown is immediately reduced to 2.5 seconds.

- An active Berserk will cancel when Howl or Hunt are used, and using Berserk will cancel an active Hunt.


+ When you knockdown a teen while Berserk is active, it remains active and changes its remaining duration to 9.5 seconds.

- The cooldown of Berserk is increased by 20%.24 seconds → 28.8 seconds

[E] Howl

After focusing for 1 second, the Werewolf lets out a terrifying Howl, causing all living teens within 30 meters to Cower in fear. Cowering teens are unable to attack or perform most actions for 8.5 seconds.

Howl has a cooldown of 28 seconds.


+ Howl cooldown is reduced by 15%.28 seconds → 23.8 seconds

- The maximum range of Howl is reduced by 10%.30 meters → 27 meters


+ Howl also Deafens teens for 4.5 seconds.

- The cooldown of Howl is increased by 20%.28 seconds → 33.6 seconds


+ For 1.5 seconds after escaping taking damage from a weapon Howl has 80% reduced focusing time.1 second → 0.2 seconds

- The focus time of Howl is increased by 30%.1 second → 1.3 seconds

[F] Hunt

After focusing for 1.5 seconds, the Werewolf enters a Hunting state for 25 seconds. While in this state they will be able to detect the presence of any living teens up to 24 meters away via a Heartbeat sound that increases in frequency the closer teens are.

Hunt has a cooldown of 55 seconds.


+ When Hunting, the range at which teens can be detected in increased by 25%.24 meters → 30 meters

-- When Hunting, the frequency response of the Heartbeat sound when teens are nearby is reduced by 25%.


+ The duration of Hunting depletes 40% slower while no teens are detected.

- The duration of Hunting depletes 30% faster while teens are detected.


+ Hunting will no longer detect teens that are Prone.

- Whenever you Knockdown a teen, Hunt cannot be used for the next 22 seconds.

Werewolf's Perks


Tier One3 perk points

Recover from a missed attack 13% faster.

Tier Two6 perk points

Recover from a missed attack 26% faster.

Tier Three9 perk points

Recover from a missed attack 39% faster.

Scream Fest

Tier One4 perk points

Teens affected by the monster's Scream are Disrupted for 12% longer.

Tier Two8 perk points

Teens affected by the monster's Scream are Disrupted for 24% longer.

Tier Three12 perk points

Teens affected by the monster's Scream are Disrupted for 36% longer.

Body Count

Tier One4 perk points

When any Prone teen within 20 meters of you is moving they will be Exposed.

Tier Two6 perk points

When any Prone teen within 20 meters of you is moving or controlling a Spectral they will be Exposed.

Tier Three8 perk points

Any Prone teens within 28 meters of you are Exposed.

Werewolf Cosmetics

Werewolf's Movie Costumes (Unlockable)

Howl High: Bloodsilver (Gold) Complete Werewolf's Standard Scene movies
Howl High: Blackest Night Complete Werewolf's Extended Scene movies
Howl High: Hell's Fury Complete Werewolf's Director's cut movies

Werewolf's Store Costumes


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Howl High: Hell's Fury


Team Wolf: Away Game